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  • ConstitutionalConservative #9279

    What if Ted Cruz was the Republican Nominee…

    There would be a whole lot of Liberals and their Rino counter parts in the hospital recovering from heart attacks, and hillary might already be in jail as the inside the beltway crowd would be hustling to clean up their act… JUST SAYIN!

    ConstitutionalConservative #9247

    It is all working as designed, Cruz and we constitutional conservatives will get the blame; that although after the fact is also by design it fits ever so tightly into the grand scheme of it all.
    You think we are the targets of vicious venom now wait till trump loses or throws in the towel because he is being treated unfairly, if only those Cruz people would have gotten on board. Ya’ll know this is going to happen the template has already been forged and tested.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9245

    I have for quite some time and on more than one occasion said that I see obama as the supreme caliph of the entire modern radical islamic movement. Obama has; as far as I’m concerned done more to advance islamic terrorism than any other alive today. The fact that he is willing to; on rare occasions sacrifice other islamist leaders on the battle field he controls only proves his caliph worthiness to advance the agenda by the wickedness of islamic deceit. I find this conclusion to be more than obvious.

    The fact that trump has agreed with me somewhat only attests to the fact he is not always wrong, no one can get as far as he has by not mooring lies around an anchor of truth, trumps problem is he is not adept at tying knots they easily slip from whatever anchors he attempts to tie them to, he is not too worried about it as his good friend hillary will take up the slack, setting the facade aside they do seem to work very well together.

    Anyway I will not embrace islam nor its supreme caliph obama as some kind of suffering victim of trump as there does seem to be a fair amount of that going on.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9210

    I’ve been saying for a long time there needs to be a New Party, one that is in no way aligned with the other third parties out there. I also said Ted Cruz needs to be at the forefront of the formation of that party. That may not be such a good idea to be involved in its formation, I’m not sure, but he needs at a minimum join the new party and run his campaign in that party.
    I think he should run his next Senate campaign in the new party, now is the time.
    If Cruz stays with the republicans he will not win in 2020 and they will fight him hard in his 2018 Senate race. In theory the republican party is dead but in practice it is still alive, kicking and spitting venomous blood, the only way to bury the bully is to have a new kid on the block to beat it to death.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9207

    Constitutional Conservatives have been telling the GOP and the Trumpanzee’s this for a very long time, it has always been obvious trump can’t win and now because their collective foolishness we all lose. Since the beginning it has been, is now and will continue to be CRUZ OR LOSE yeah I’m still clinging to hope, I guess to many that makes me foolish, if it be so then so be it, I have lived long to enough to see hope happen.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9205

    As a NeverTrumper I adamantly disagree, we have been failing to destroy islamic terrorism long before trump came along and saying we can’t win without coddling to muslims feelings is exactly what the progressive liberal democrat socialists have been preaching and practicing all along, it is political correctness at its worst… I call BS on this one.

    This guy is off to a very bad start if he wants to get my attention, I suspect we will learn more but right now like trump I see him as just another log on the kill conservatism fire, I ain’t falling for it.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9136

    It is one thing to say you won’t vote for trump I get that, but to say you will vote for hillary as if she is not as dangerous; as Cruz said they are different sides of the same coin. However the coin is flipped and wherever it lands; heads or tails America loses.
    Week after week, day after day, now hour after hour all we hear and see is Total Insanity!

    I’m going out on the street to stand with the guy who clearly sees how foolish all this nonsense has become; you know the guy holding the sign… THE END IS NEAR!

    ConstitutionalConservative #9135

    And most likely Strauss exactly like Ryan will get an endorsement from trump if that’s what the Rino’s want him to do, despite all his outsider rhetoric trump is a progressive liberal rino democrat, proven all to willing and ready to throw in; with the enemy within. Whatever it takes to be crowned the King; he only need speak deceitful words of illusion; honor, integrity, principles do not amount to even the slightest sliver of a sacrifice, as they were never there to begin with.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9122

    Cruz has a record of working for his constituents in Texas as well as all the American people, his willingness to fight for what is right is unsurpassed by any congressman for the last 50 to 100 years if not more. Now if he has a problem it is the misconception that he can’t get along with congress; but it is not that he can’t get along it is most all of congress can’t get along with the constitution, so he very often stands alone.

    Cruz will beat all challengers, beat them bloody all about the head and shoulders, so badly will he beat them they will be ashamed to show their face in public, they’ll have to sneak out of Texas in the dark of night, then leave the country when he takes the presidency in 2020. Sarcasm of course, I’m not a cultist like FR trumpers, Cruz is just a man with a servants heart… not a god like so many others perceive themselves to be.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9092

    Trumps inevitable loss will be laid directly at the feet of Ted Cruz, as he is the last one on earth that should be blamed for another mans foolishness. I guarantee that is what will happen. LionTed will be prepared for it as per usual with a smile displaying wisdom, strength and confidence, he has been battling lies and false accusations from the beginning and the unrighteous always demand those that stand in the light outside their darkened camp be pursued and persecuted for they who love darkness hate light as their deeds are evil.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9089

    I’m not sure I have already said this but I will say it again:
    The truth remains regardless of who they try to promote and the truth has been, is now, and will continue to be… CRUZ OR LOSE!

    ConstitutionalConservative #9087

    I’m sure it will go nowhere but I’m happy to have them continue fighting and applaud their fortitude to exhaust every possibility and stay in trumps face as long as the remotest of opportunity exists, surrender is not an option.

    They will be hated just as much if they were to do nothing.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9071

    There is no telling how many more around the world have died and are yet to die for hillary’s pride, accommodation and convenience. Here There Everywhere she has not a wit of care.

    Let us also not forget the innocent babies murdered past, present and future for that very same sick twisted ideological Pride, Accommodation and Convenience. The blood on that beastly whore’s hands is crying out for justice and there are no earthly ears willing to hear and do. This is our shame!

    ConstitutionalConservative #9070

    Well… Shl, I hear ya; as all is said and done, the bottom line is we must needs be about…
    Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Titus 2:13

    ConstitutionalConservative #9062

    Defend the constitution, I would be surprised if trump has ever read the constitution; but he is learning that whatever it says he doesn’t like it, as it is entirely opposed to his agenda, whatever that may be, I mean does anyone really know.

    And they would have us to believe we need to vote for the lesser of two evils, I mean all trump has to offer is he ain’t hillary. So what is the choice offered; either vote for Satan or vote for the Devil.

    Personally I want a clear conscience I’m writing in Ted Cruz… satan aka the devil be damned.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9061

    I didn’t link to the story as I read enough to know I didn’t want to go there so I will comment on what was offered here.

    RANT ON!

    I disagree, there is a breaking point and we are standing right on top of it, the writer I think underestimates the power of tyranny and overestimates the resolve of the American people there really are not that many Americans anymore how easily do people give up their freedom for safety despite being clearly warned, location does not an American make. An American possesses a defined set of ideals, values and principles these are not inherited they are learned but they have not been taught for a very long time now, I’m sure most here grew up in schools were the Pledge of Allegiance and in many places it was accompanied by prayer, all was recited before any learning took place and everything we heard, saw, touched and thought was American, American, American.

    All this was cast aside for diversity and political correctness, I remember hearing and seeing on TV Nikita Grushev banging his shoe on his Soviet Podium and shouting “We Will Destroy You From Within” he said so with great confidence knowing that what was needed to take down America was already in place and working, Joe McCarthy comes to mind remember how that American hero was marginalized by the use of soviet style tactics how they labeled him a communist aka McCarthyism because he dared to act and was fighting against communism and Soviet intervention in our political system and all the while his history was being re-written, the latest example would be the courageous truth teller Ted Cruz being labeled LYING TED!

    No I’m not buying into this nonsense that we can utilize the power of the constitution to throw whatever bum out in four years, we can’t even throw out a treasonous criminal anti-constitution president out of office now and the next one will be even more embedded and much stronger then the last as the precedent has be set and template well forged. There are in the grand scheme of things very few incidents of we the people prevailing in anything over the last four or more decades and off the top of my head I can’t think of one and the writer would tell you in essence “Don’t Worry About It” just surrender for now, that philosophy has not worked so far has it, it will always fail.

    So what are we to do; I hope you have some ideas because short of a bloody revolution I have none, but I do know the writer of this article is wrong and to me he sounds like more of Socialist than an American, this is one of worst types of attacks (soft and sweet it is) on conservatives perpetrated by a pretender, we must needs recognize and call out the enemy within as they are LEGION.

    RANT OFF! for now…

    ConstitutionalConservative #9048

    ConservativeGranny: Thanks for the report!

    I completely agree with your assessment of the who, what, where, when, why and how of the Freak Republic and their dear leader trump, he is as cowardly as any Rino.
    I believe they now think he can be controlled but they should know he is still a venomous snake and will incessantly bite.
    Of course the Rino thinking is always skewed as they are incapable of learning so in that respect they are in line with all that is Donald Trump. Mixed together they will in every case be hideously slimy as they comprise a toxic pit of angry viscous vipers pretending to trust each other.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9046

    GOD BLESS… Ben Watson!

    ConstitutionalConservative #9045

    For me this will be the best story to come out of the Olympics, Ginny Thatcher…Now that’s American!

    If I were to bet just based on what little was said in this story I would bet the young lady is a conservative, well she would have to be wouldn’t she; otherwise she would be ashamed of her past and ashamed of her family and would be proud to say so.
    What liberal would take their granddaughter out in the woods to shoot and kill a deer, after which see becomes so enthusiastic about shooting she wins an Olympic Gold Medal just 5 years later, yeah it is a good bet she has conservative values and she will have to keep her guard up as she will suffer the wrath of politically correct liberalism. They will try to shame her into joining their sick and sorry anti-second amendment movement as she would indeed be a valued prize.

    ConstitutionalConservative #9041

    Submitting to Paul Ryan is bad enough but now trump supports McCain. Those over at FR should be up in arms over this but I bet they will somehow excuse even celebrate their dear leader.

    I’m tempted to violate my pledge to stay away from FR just to see what effect this story will have, I know some here are keeping tabs on what’s going on there, I would like to hear what you think will happen if anything at all, I mean this should inspire mutiny in the ranks, war even. Supporting John McCain c’mon that is full out Treasonist Rinoism.

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