'You are not laughing at me now': Farage tells MEPs

Source: Yahoo News | June 27, 2016 | Bryan McManus

Brussels (AFP) – Nigel Farage, leader of the anti-EU UK Independence Party, on Tuesday told a jeering European Parliament he had had the last laugh after Britain defied their warnings and voted to quit the EU.

“Isn’t it funny? When I came here 17 years ago and I said I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the EU, you all laughed at me but you are not laughing now,” Farage told MEPs.

Farage said the European Union was “in denial” about its failing and wrong-headed ambitions for a united Europe from which voters were turning away in droves.

“You have imposed on them a political union and when the people in 2005 in the Netherlands and in France voted against you, you simply ignored them and brought the Lisbon Treaty in by the back door!” he told MEPs in an emergency debate on Britain’s Brexit vote.

Going into the chamber, a beaming Farage embraced European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker, his long-time sparring partner who in his own address asked why the UKIP leader had even bothered to turn up.

But Farage would not be denied his moment, saying Thursday’s vote was “seismic” with far-reaching implications beyond Britain’s immediate future.

“The little people rejected the multinational companies, the banks, the big politicians and they said: ‘we want our country back,'” Farage said.

“The United Kingdom will not be the last member state to leave the European Union!”


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  • Consistent #7425

    slhancock1948 #7441

    I listened to a Farage speech a few months ago. It made perfect sense. He has been vilified and called a dunce and everything else, I think they were hoping he’d fade into the woodwork, but the real people began to listen and he has emerged as the one sane man in England. I’d read about him, and heard all the derogatory remarks. Praise God for one man that will not give up. That’s how I feel about Cruz, the one man that doesn’t give up. Too bad the dems got to pick our nominee. Too bad that the delegates won’t be told the real numbers and that they don’t represent republican voters. I have come to hate the GOP. I have asked for years now that we start a conservative party, especially since it takes time to build, but everybody listens to the naysayers and are afraid that we’ll get creamed…sorta like we’re getting creamed now, huh? If Trump wins the nomination, we’ll lose BIG, and the GOP will fall apart.

    Another thing is this. We need to side line the influence of some of these “important” people who say that are really conservatives. If you are willing to cave on traditional values, you are not worth the time to invest in getting your endorsement, nor should we want the baggage you’ve earned this cycle. The longer we wait, the greater the possibility that nothing will come of it. THIS is the ONE election cycle a real 3rd party (Conservative) could actually win with great enthusiasm. MANY people are deeply disturbed by both political parties and are in the mood to revolt. To sit back and wait to see what 2020 brings us is nonsense. We are letting a very good moment amount to nothing.

    We could’ve acted and done something, but instead, we keep hoping a tiger is going to change his stripes. I’m angry, all right! I want to kick a lot of pastors and conservative leaders for standing back and not openly getting involved in Cruz’s campaign, defying Trump’s lying tongue. It’s almost as if they were afraid that if they stood with Cruz, then they’d end up being wrong about him, or they could not put their Trust in God to work through Cruz. Somehow we have to find someone less than good to seem palatable. America had the choice that Conservatives said they’d been waiting for, but they let a bragging, lying con artist sway them. But, just wait….if Trump loses, it won’t be his fault, it’ll be ours. Remember that persecution will come from inside the church first, something I already see happening in ours. Trump supporters are shunning we Cruz supporters and it isn’t pretty. But, I stand on principle. I will not vote for Trump under any circumstances.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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