WSJ editorial board condemns Trump for 'trash' Scarborough tweets: 'Ugly even for him'

Source: The Hill | May 27, 2020 | Joe Concha

The Wall Street Journal scolded President Trump in a Wednesday editorial for tweets promoting a conspiracy theory surrounding a woman who died while working at MSNBC host Joe Scarborough’s former congressional office in Florida, calling the president’s allegations “trash” and “ugly even for him.”

“Donald Trump sometimes traffics in conspiracy theories — recall his innuendo in 2016 about Ted Cruz’s father and the JFK assassination — but his latest accusation against MSNBC host Joe Scarborough is ugly even for him,” the board wrote.

“Mr. Trump always hits back at critics, and Mr. Scarborough has called the President mentally ill, among other things. But suggesting that the talk-show host is implicated in the woman’s death isn’t political hardball. It’s a smear,” it continued. Mr. Trump rightly denounces the lies spread about him in the Steele dossier, yet here he is trafficking in the same sort of trash.”

“We don’t write this with any expectation that Mr. Trump will stop. Perhaps he even thinks this helps him politically, though we can’t imagine how. But Mr. Trump is debasing his office, and he’s hurting the country in doing so,” the board concludes.


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