The wall is out: Latest GOP offer to avoid shutdown excludes money for the wall

Source: Washington Examiner | April 25, 2017 | Susan Ferrechio

The wall is out: Latest GOP offer to avoid shutdown excludes money for border wall

The latest GOP proposal to fund the government excludes money for a border wall or a “deportation force,” according to legislative aides familiar with the deal.

According to a senior Democratic aide, the latest offer from the GOP “doesn’t include any money for a wall.”

The offer follows signals from the Trump administration on Monday that it would not insist the spending bill include money to pay for the wall on the southern border, even though it was the signature campaign promise by President Trump.

Democrats were staunchly opposed to including wall funding and were threatening to block the spending bill, which must pass by an April 28 deadline in order to keep the government fully funded and operating.

GOP lawmakers said earlier Tuesday the deal is likely to include money for border security measures considered more palatable for Democrats, such as technology, border patrol officers and possibly fencing and wall completion in areas where a wall was already approved by Congress.


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