Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Funds Attacks Against Pro-Life Women

Source: The Resurgent | October 31, 2016 | Erick Erickson

I really do suspect Phyllis Schlafly would be horrified to know that Eagle Forum, the organization she founded, has lined up with NARAL in Missouri to try to oust a pro-life woman in favor of a pro-abortion man. That is what the FEC data shows. Eagle PAC is the political side of Eagle Forum. Eagle Forum is spending money to oppose Republican Ann Wagner, a pro-life Republican. Wagner is being opposed by Bill Otto, a Democrat backed by NARAL.

The same thing is happening in Virginia where Eagle Forum is spending money to oppose Barbara Comstock. Though a more moderate Republican than I’d prefer, Comstock is a female pro-life member of Congress who came to fame as one of the Clinton family’s chief nemeses.


My only guess is that Eagle Forum’s PAC is spending the money against these two pro-life Republican women because they have distanced themselves from Donald Trump. So Eagle Forum would rather hand the seats to pro-abortion Democrats who support the entirety of the Obama agenda.

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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #11079

    slhancock1948 #11091

    Something evil is happening in this country. Wrong has become right and right, wrong. Even the standard-bearers from the past decades have all lost their minds and their principles.

    This election is bringing the chaff out into public view. Regardless of who wins, I believe that persecution of the godly and principled will begin in earnest. I don’t see unity or reunions taking place. Yes, the elect of God, who truly are faithful, will certainly know who each other is, mostly by default and discernment. I think that judgment on America will continue . The worst part, as a believer, is being inundated with the depravity and the overt sin. It wears on one.

    I can get over being hated by those who were once friends, who part from us because we don’t worship their vain gods, but I grieve over the ones who are being deceived because Scripture is clear about how easy it is going to be to be deceived and I feel many will walk away from their faith as a result of either the division or persecution.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

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