Haley voters almost twice as likely to vote for Biden than Trump: Poll

Source: The Hill | March 7, 2024 | Nick Robertson

Supporters of former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley are far more likely to vote for President Biden in November than former President Trump, according to an Emerson College poll released Thursday.

The survey found that 63 percent of Haley supporters back Biden after the former South Carolina governor dropped out of the GOP primary Wednesday. Just 27 percent said they would vote for Trump, with 10 percent undecided, according to the poll.

Biden sought to welcome Haley supporters to his camp after she dropped out of the race, while Trump doubled down on criticisms of his former United Nations ambassador. 

“Donald Trump made it clear he doesn’t want Nikki Haley’s supporters. I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign,” Biden said in a campaign statement.

In her suspension speech, Haley said Trump has to “earn” the votes of her supporters and did not endorse him.

“It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and I hope he does that,” she said. “At its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. And our conservative cause badly needs more people. This is now his time for choosing.”

In the Emerson survey, 52 percent of the Haley supporters voted for Biden in 2020, according to the poll.


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