German restaurant gives patrons hats with pool noodles to keep social distance after reopening

Source: The Hill | May 14, 2020 | Brooke Seipel

In a stunt to encourage social distancing, a German restaurant gave its diners hats with pool noodles upon its reopening. 

Cafe & Konditorei Rothe in Schwerin, Germany reopened last week as the country begins to lift certain coronavirus restrictions.

It posted a photo of its diners on Facebook, showing them in straw hats with colorful pool noodles pointing in three different directions to encourage social distancing from all sides. 

Heute mal so ,, Abstandsnachvermessung“

“In these difficult times it’s a pleasure to make others smile,” restaurant owner Jacqueline Rothe said about the stunt, according to The New York Post.


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