BBC says Taliban ordered it off air in Afghanistan

Source: The Hill | March 27, 2022 | Olafimihan Oshin

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) said the Taliban has ordered broadcasters to take its news programs off the air in Afghanistan. 

“The BBC’s TV news bulletins in Pashto, Persian and Uzbek have been taken off air in Afghanistan, after the Taliban ordered our TV partners to remove international broadcasters from their airwaves,” BBC World Services’ head of languages Tarik Kafala said in a statement on Sunday.

“This is a worrying development at a time of uncertainty and turbulence for the people of Afghanistan. More than six million Afghans consume the BCC’s independent and impartial journalism on TV every week and it is crucial they are not denied access to it in the future,” Kafala added. 

“We call on the Taliban to reserve their decision and allow our TV partners to return the BBC’s news bulletins to their airwaves immediately.” 


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #52860

    EVERYDAY #52863

    Well, apparently, this is what the males in Afghanistan wanted since they just let the Taliban take over as Americans were leaving. We tried to instill a Western democracy in Afghanistan when it seems most of the men there wanted a return of the Taliban and its repressive centuries old ways. I feel for the women in Afghanistan who suffer the most under harsh Taliban rule, but this is an example of why we should not force our ways on others.

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